9 Month Progress Report
- Stands unsupported to clap or hold things
- Walks supported by only one hand
- Waives hello and goodbye
- Blows kisses
- Self feeds with fingers and spoon
- Drinks from a small cup, a straw, and a sippy cup
- Blows bubbles through the straw into water
- Points (which she loves to do)
- Tries to dress herself (this is nothing more than trying to stuff her head or feet into holes of clothing...)
- Gives hugs
- Shies away from strangers
- Recognizes favorite things
- Loves dollies
- Removes and puts on caps to containers
- Climbs stairs
- Scoots backward off of stairs, mats, and the sofa
- Help brush her teeth (of which she now has three)
- Recognizes dogs on tv