Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Half birthday my 1.5 year old!

She is growing growing growing!!! up Up UP!

Chris and I have been trying this new thing with our big girl to ease her frustrations of mommy leaving every morning to go to work. Chris tells her that they are going to get the newspaper and walk mommy to her car. So off we all go, me to my car, them to fetch our morning newspaper. River picks up the paper, Daddy picks up River and I blow kisses from my car.

We have only been doing this for maybe a few weeks. It really seems to be working. Before this she would cry for quite a while and be really terrible the rest of the day. Now, she waives and doesn't cry at all. The other day I was gathering my things and Chris says to her "Time to go get the newspaper!" To which she responded "Bye bye Mommy," with a smile on her face, waiving her little hand! We hadn't even gotten to my car. :)

Potty Time:
Last night River was diaper-less. She began to tinkle a little so I stopped her and said, "River, we use the potty when we pee-pee. Run to the potty!" She loves running. So off she ran with mommy in tow to sit on her potty and for the first time, she peed in her little potty. We still need to work on what Toilet paper is for, but what a start!

Things we do together on Mommy's days off:

Eat Breakfast/brunch at Whole Foods. Her favorites are bow tie noodles and blueberries
Music Together classes every Saturday morning
Watching Elmo and Abby on the Kindle
Playing in her new room! We decorated it with Hello Kitty wall decals and curtains. Now when she wants
                     to play in her room she just says "Meow meow!" and points down the hall.
Farmer's Markets
We attended the Zoo Boo with some of her friends
Visit friends and her Nonnie and Grandpa

River's new words:

Run/running (and she will run while saying it)
water (pronounced watey)
uppy (up)
shoot (thank goodness I had my mommy mouth on when I dropped that nail on the floor!)
       And this is what she was saying when I couldn't find my keys today.
hopper (grasshopper)

I know I'm missing some.

Last but not least, and her favorite of the week:

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