Friday, October 5, 2012

She's a Keeper!

Side note: I promise to get more pics up soon. I think we've taken some good ones lately. Just have to get them off of my camera!

No Need for a Key Beeper
This morning I had to get River ready to take to my parents house as well as get myself ready for work. Of course, it took longer than normal but she was in really good spirits. I think it really helps her to see me before I leave for work rather than to wake up without me there. As I was leaving, I realized I had no idea where I had put my phone. Like all mornings, I just had it and then it was gone. So I turned around and said, "Hmmm, I wonder where I put my phone, I just had it!" As I'm looking around, I see River run toward the kitchen table then run toward me with my phone!!! This girl is a keeper :) Lol.

Attachment Babies
I usually don't like categorizing myself...especially since everything is on a spectrum. Being an "attachment parent" is exactly the same. It's not an all or nothing thing. You can subscribe to a far East or West vision of what it means or, like most of us, you are somewhere in the middle. I use the label "attachment parent" to describe both Chris and myself, even though the roles are kind of reversed right now since I have two jobs and he is her primary care giver. It isn't ideal, but what in life is? All I can say is that we do a lot of attachment-y things. Anyway, even though I don't do some of these things I'm about to list, they are considered shibboleths of attachment parenting.

When you see or hear the following things, you know that mom/dad is an attachment parent to some degree:

1. Baby has a baltic amber necklace
2. Baby is wearing soft leather momo shoes.
3. "Cod liver oil...."
4. Kiddo has a bike without pedals or training wheels
5. Kiddo is 2-3 years old and is still rear facing in the carseat.
6. Kiddo is breastfeeding her/his dolly

Not all attachment parents do all of the above, but if you see one of these things, most likely you are in the presence of an attachment parent.

One day I was thinking about River playing with her dollies. She has never breastfed them, nor do I care if she ever does. However, she is so sweet with them. She kisses them and puts them to bed, and feeds them and carries them around in a little stroller, etc. That same day we sat down to nurse and she had one of her dollies in her arms. Suddenly she pops off and puts the dolly's mouth to my breast. She let her dolly have a turn! It was hilarious! And so sweet. She's such a keeper.

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