Monday, April 7, 2014

I love...

At first, this evening was difficult. River was acting like she had never been let out of the house despite having had many opportunities to run around and jump off of things. Somehow her father and I turned into jungle gyms. In fact, my neck hurts pretty badly right now from her trying to brake her fall with my forehead... While Dad got to leave for soccer, I was left in charge of said cray cray bay-bay. How fast did I turn on the cartoons? Faster than you can say Bubble Guppies...

It doesn't happen all the time. I did get some lunch-making done for the next morning...and then I sat down and enjoyed some Bubble Guppies with my almost three year old. I love her so so much. The rest of the evening was relaxing and fun. I finally got to spend a little bit of quality time with this silly wonder.

I love:

How she insists they are called Bubble Gumpies
How all she wants in life is for me to dance around with her
How she will devour any cucumber that gets in her way.
How she readily shares her "yummy snacks" (in this case coconut shavings) with me.
How she can recognize different kinds of birds, ducks and dinosaurs.
How she can remember the words to songs and books and how I realized how hard it will be when she's learning to read to be able to tell if she's reading or just memorizing. lol.
How she has been practicing her snort.
How she loves Shayna, my stuffed tiger, almost as much as I did/do.
How willing she is to learn how to do fun things.
Her love of being outside.
Her openness.
How she always has an opinion on her own cowgirl boots or sandals...
love love love her squeaky little giggle. I wish I could bottle it and keep it forever.
that she always helps set the table.
that she has no real knowledge of money...(that will all change soon enough!)
that she rides her bikes with equal passion regardless of how different they are.
that she's kissing her stuffed animals goodnight.
How she can name at least three Hindu Gods.
How she will jump in puddles in a way I don't think I ever did.
How every morning (at the very least, the ones I'm around for) she will come in and say, "Wow, Momma! Look momma! It's light! I woke up and it's light!"
Her love for and proficiency with puzzles and putting together fun patterns with train tracks.
That she loves water. Drinking it, splashing in it and swimming and playing in it.
How she explains to me not to be afraid of bugs.
I love how much practice she puts into jumping and running and gymnastics.
Her hair, and her tummy and her toes and her hands and her chin...I love every thing about her.
I even secretly love how stubborn she can be sometimes. I hope she learns how to focus that stubbornness so that it doesn't control her and so that she doesn't let anyone else control her either.

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