Monday, December 12, 2011

If you challenge her she will crawl

I put a comment on my facebook page that I needed to find a way to keep baby out of the Christmas tree...One of my friends asked if she was crawling. I answered that she wasn't crawling forward yet but that she would be by the end of the month. Then this happened. :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Yes, it is in fact what it looks like.....

7 (and a half) month progress report: (Includes 6 months through present)
Things River loves to do:  
Splash in water
Brush her tooth
Pick up food with thumb and forefinger (50% success with getting it into the mouth)
Recently she has taken up throwing things off of the couch or counter (or highchair) and looking over the edge at it. I think she just wants to see what will happen.
Playing with and kissing the baby in the mirror
Banging her hand on things
Trying to stand without support
Interact with other babies
Rolling from back to front to sitting (she did it at 1am this morning when I was trying to feed her. Very independent, this one)
Trying really hard to crawl (though it always turns into either sitting or scootching across the living room backward on her tummy)
Playing with the dog (although the dog is not down with that)
Saying mamamamama (generalized)- she was saying dadada and nanana and bababa but those other ones stopped. Heheheh.
Different hand gestures that look a lot like waiving, but no one can be sure...

Tiny Dancer

Going for a short ride to fix the humidifier.