Monday, January 28, 2013

Phone stuff

My camera is terrible and eats batteries like the Cookie monster eats cookies. I haven't been able to use my camera to take good photos or videos so here are some crappy phone pics. I seriously need a new camera...

Chris and I pouting over the fact that she can climb up and slide all by herself now...

Lincoln and Washington. I wish I had one of her saying Omana!

Angel Fire on Jan. 1st. Friendly deer. Cassia, River and me.

Playing the boat/shark game at soccer class.

Money money!

Rockin' out!

Baby tar!
Her Ben Franklin shirt.

She looks like a hipster. Lol. J/k. She won't wear her Lincoln shirt even though she loves naming him everywhere she sees him. She freaked out and clawed it off when I tried so we haven't revisited wearing Lincoln. Ben Franklin is somehow more palatable for her.

On a cold day when she just had to get out and play. 2 hours at the park and she still didn't want to go home.